Probiotics test

Probiotics are products containing live microorganisms - usually a lactic acid bacteria such as species of  Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Lactococcus.

DB Lab performs a large number of microbiological analyses on raw materials and finished products of probiotics. Finished products can be capsules, tablets, sticks and sachets.

The microbiological analyses are conducted according to methods developed by DB Lab, our customers or official methods.

Examples of analyses are:

  • Cell counts
  • Identifications (cell and colony morphology, PCR, API tests, biochemical tests)
  • Microbiological purity 
  • Water activity
  • Dissolution (acid tolerance)
  • Disintegration
  • Uniformity of mass


We happily develop and validate new methods according to ICH guidelines. For more information, click on validation in the left menu.

We also perform stability studies on probiotic products according to ICH guideline. For more information, click on stability studies in the left menu. 


Stine Tryggedsson

Stine Tryggedsson

Quality assurance and microbiological analyses

MSc in biomedicine